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Back again October 28, 2006

Posted by Michael McVey in Online Tools.
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pod2   Right. Back again.

A couple of months ago, Sage Publications gave me the opportunity to write a 4,000-word entry for their Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology. It was far more time consuming than I expected so I was not able to spend as much time on this blog. Even this morning, I put in four hours just on the final draft corrections. It is finally done and has been submitted. They expect to release the encyclopedia about fourteen months from now. My payment? One copy of the book.

I am not complaining. It isn’t everyday you get yourself published in an encyclopedia. I recall having professors brag about an entry or two they had published in one tome or another.

My topic was “distance learning” and with a thousand words to go in the piece, I determined that I would be remiss if I did not include something about the newest developments in distance learning. some folks are calling it “e-Learning 2.0” or the “read/write web,” but whatever you call it, it is changing the way we learn and it will change the way schools work, the way learning communities work, and the way we will all learn.

Tomorrow I want to share a few exciting and interesting new learning experiences with you but right now I have a house to decorate for a Halloween party. Last year, I was King Arthur of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. My daughter was the Black Knight with one arm lopped off, and my wife was a serf being attacked by a killer bunny. This year I will be decked out entirely in black from head to toe with only my white iPod showing. Hey, I am an icon.